24/7 Support/Crisis Line
802-488-7777: First Call for Chittenden County serves clients and the community regardless of age or diagnosis.
Our trained, professional staff are available 24/7/365, regardless of the type of service. When you call First Call, you can expect phone support, crisis intervention and assessment, referrals to appropriate services, and connection to follow-up care. We will collaborate with emergency responders during a crisis as needed.
Please remember that during a medical emergency call 9-1-1 immediately.
New Statewide Mobile Crisis Response Program
A new Mobile Crisis Response Program has been launched in Vermont, offering 24/7 access to specialized teams ready to assist in emergencies. This program features a two-person, in-person response team to help individuals in their own environments, providing timely and effective aid.
The initiative, led statewide by community mental health agencies, aims to offer immediate support, reducing the need for emergency room visits during a crisis. For those experiencing or witnessing a mental health or substance use crisis, assistance is now more accessible and community focused.
For urgent support, individuals can reach out to the Mobile Crisis Line or visit www.GetHelpVT.org. This website serves as a central hub for resources, offering guidance and connection to crisis intervention services. Vermont’s 9-8-8 Crisis Lifeline also connects callers with the necessary Mobile Crisis services.