Opiate Recovery Solutions: Finding the Right Path to Healing and Support
Our recovery programs serve Vermonters struggling with opiate addiction, or addiction to other substances. Individuals of all ages who want to become drug or alcohol free can find help from our compassionate and experienced staff who are committed to supporting you throughout your recovery process. In addition, we will make sure you have additional support throughout your recovery, including counseling, free HIV and hepatitis testing, and referrals to other programs for help with housing, employment, transportation, and medical needs.
We can help you locate the right services providing medication for opioid use disorder. If you are willing to download and sign the release of information form, we will be better able to connect you with the appropriate level of care.
If you are new to Howard Center and are looking for services, please call our Access and Intake number at 802-488-6000.
Hub & Spoke Model for Opiate Addiction
You may have heard about the hub and spoke model to treat opioid use disorder, but you aren’t sure what it is.
Hubs are certified sites, such as the Chittenden Clinic, that prescribe and dispense methadone. Physicians and nurses monitor the dose amounts to ensure that the dosage level is appropriate for each individual.
Spokes refer to office based opioid treatment programs where approved physicians may prescribe buprenorphine for opiate use.
Hub: Chittenden Clinic and Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD)
The Chittenden Clinic is a program that provides outpatient treatment and pharmacotherapy (methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone) for individuals who have Opioid Use Disorder. The Chittenden Clinic provides extensive medical, therapeutic, and care management services. The Clinic also provides medically supervised withdrawal (MSW).
The clinic offers on-site medical services, urine collection, individual and group counseling, psychiatric services, care management, and coordination with other medical and therapeutic providers. Discharge services to support transition to community physician prescribers for clients receiving buprenorphine are also provided.
Although most clients are self-referred, Howard Center’s Safe Recovery program assists in the referral process. Additionally, clients may be referred by community physicians or other community providers.
Seeking help for opiate addiction? Take a step towards healing and wellness and reach out to the Chittenden Clinic, call 802-488-6450.
Spoke: 855 Pine Street
Howard Center’s outpatient offices at 855 Pine Street house the Pine Street Spoke where individuals receiving medication for opioid use disorder meet with physicians and receive prescriptions for buprenorphine for opiate use, as well as have the opportunity to engage in individual or group psychotherapy.
Spoke Program in Franklin and Grand Isle Counties
Howard Center’s Northern Vermont Outpatient and Spoke Services includes a Spoke-level opioid treatment program. The Spoke provides individuals access to medication for opioid use disorder, as well as the opportunity to engage in individual or group counseling. For more information, please call 802-488-6265.
Support Throughout Your Recovery
For many people, the recovery process includes periods of use and non-use. We will help you connect to other programs, such as Safe Recovery, that can support you throughout your recovery process. Safe Recovery is a safe place for people to come to for support, even if they are currently using. Helping someone stay safe today, whether or not they are using today, is an important part of supporting their recovery.
Unlike many other Howard Center programs, individuals do not need to be Howard Center clients or have an appointment to receive services.
For more information about Howard Center programs for opiate addiction and medications for opioid use disorder, call 802-488-6450.