Frequently Asked Questions


View Career Listings



What is the general timeframe for hiring?

The general timeline from the date you submit your application to a confirmed start date is one to six weeks.


How can I check my application status?

Once you have filed your online application, you will receive an email confirming that your application has been submitted. Howard Center strives to respond to applicants within seven days.


Do I have to use the online application form to apply?

Yes. Although you can view our employment listings through other sites, such as the Vermont Department of Labor or Indeed, you must submit an online application through the Howard Center Careers website. We do not accept paper applications.


Can I apply for more than one job during the same time period?

Yes, we encourage you to apply for as many jobs as you would like, based on your interest, skills, and experience. However, it is suggested that you prioritize your interest.


Can I edit/revise my application after it has been submitted?

Yes, you can edit your application and/or apply to different positions.


Who should I contact if I have technical problems with my online application?

If you have technical problems with your online application, you may call 802-488-6946 for assistance.


If I am asked for an interview, who will be interviewing me?

Typically, you will interview with the Hiring Manager or a member from the Human Resources team.


Has your interview process changed because of Covid? Will you be doing more Zoom interviews?

When and where it is possible, we perform Zoom interviews. If you are applying for a client-facing position, we prefer to interview in person.


Will you let me know if I am not being considered for a position?

Yes, all applicants who do not appear to meet the specific job requirements will receive an email notification that they are no longer being considered for the position.


What training can I expect as a new hire?

As a new hire, you will be offered a comprehensive list of trainings that will help you to prepare for your new role with Howard Center. Additionally, in-service trainings will be available throughout your tenure with the Agency.



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About Howard Center
Career opportunities 
Culture and organization
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiatives
Hiring process
Vermont Relocation Incentives