BURLINGTON, VT—Members of the Vert-Mont Chapter of the International Executive Housekeepers Association (IEHA) have announced the date for their 25th annual golf tournament, the IEHA Howard Center Charity Classic, on September 17, 2021 at Basin Harbor Club, Vergennes, VT.
The tournament began in 1995 when 52 golfers raised $3,408. Since then, the event has grown to include 128 golfers annually who have contributed a total of nearly $200,000 to Howard Center programs, including Baird School, First Call for Chittenden County, and Outdoor Challenge. In addition, the Chapter has donated consistently to the Vermont Foodbank, the Salvation Army, and the American Red Cross of New Hampshire and Vermont.
The tournament is the work and effort of many, including Ed Vizvarie, who retired in 2019 as Howard Center’s Director of Facilities, and who has enthusiastically helped coordinate the fundraiser for 24 years. Vizvarie says, “It’s been a privilege to be a member of IEHA and work for Howard Center. I’ve had the opportunity to see firsthand how the funds raised from this event are used to support children and education. Besides, it’s such a fun way to spend a day and raise money for a great cause!”
Registration for the 25th IEHA Howard Center Charity Classic is now open through August 28. For more information, contact Ed Vizvarie at (802) 985-2227 or vizzos@myfairpoint.net.