Board, Standing Committee & Special Event Volunteer Opportunities

Thank you for your interest in Howard Center’s Board of Trustees and its Advisory Committees. Howard Center was founded in 1865 as an agency to serve the widows and orphans of the Civil War at the Home for Destitute Children. Since then, Howard Center has been a trusted provider in our community for more than 150 years, offering progressive, compassionate, inclusive, high-quality care and treatment for those members of our community in need. Below, we have outlined some options for participation, as well as responsibilities for serving on either the board of trustees or a Howard Center Advisory Committee. If you are interested in either option, please visit our Application page.  If you have further questions, please contact Kelsi Cross.

Board of Trustees

“In the many years I’ve been a donor, volunteer, trustee, and more recently the president of the board, my relationship with the agency has rewarded me many times over.

It supports so many members of our community and playing even a small part in that effort brings great satisfaction, a deep sense of accomplishment, and yes, pride.”

Michael Simoneau, Former Board President

The board of trustees has ultimate responsibility for advancing the mission of the agency by setting strategic direction and establishing organizational goals.

The board meets nine times per year with meetings held the second Tuesday of the month (with recesses in July, August, and December). Attendance at board meetings is considered important since each member’s input on issues, policies, and decisions is valuable. Some of the most important work of the board of trustees is often done by its committees so board members are also expected to participate actively on at least one committee, either an operating or a standing committee. The typical time commitment for board members is about 4-8 hours per month.

Other expectations of board members include completing an orientation session, reviewing information packets before monthly meetings, making an annual financial contribution to Howard Center commensurate with your financial resources, and occasional participation in agency events. As a designated agency, at least 51% of our board must be a consumer or a family member of a consumer, or someone who would qualify as a consumer. Persons with expertise in the following areas are encouraged to consider involvement in the board of trustees: law, finance/accounting, human resources, management, public relations, marketing/special events, fund development, politics/legislation, healthcare, education, community service leadership, technology, law enforcement, and strategic planning.

Standing Committees

Howard Center has four advisory committees that include agency staff members, board members, and consumers:

  • Family Advisory Council (supports children, youth and family services)
  • Community Advocacy Network (CAN) (supports mental health services)
  • Substance Use Disorder Advisory Group (supports substance use disorder services)
  • Developmental Services Program Standing Committee (supports developmental services)

The committees meet at various times during the year, and their responsibilities include:

  • Evaluation of key managerial staff
  • Evaluation of the quality and responsiveness of services
  • Resource allocation, including input on budgets
  • Review resolution of complaints
  • Promote community education
  • Develop planning and implementation services for our local system of care plan
  • Review and recommend policy, and set policy when delegated this authority by the board of trustees

Special Event Volunteers

We offer several special events each year and welcome volunteer support. Zoe’s Race helps to make homes accessible and is a festive celebration and 1K and 5K/walk/run in August.

Our annual Help is Here Celebration held each fall honors someone whose contribution personifies our mission and provides support to the people we serve. Our Spring and Fall Community Education Series is free and open to the public, offering presentations, film screenings, and discussion on relevant topics. With advance planning, we can often host a group for a landscaping or painting project.

Please contact our Development Team at or 802.488.6913 for more information about volunteering at any of the above events.

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