Our Early Childhood Program serves children ages 0-6 who are experiencing social, emotional, and behavioral challenges, and their parents and caregivers. The Program is also the Chittenden County early childhood family mental health provider for Children’s Integrated Services and the mental health consultant for Head Start classrooms.
The Early Childhood Program offers:
- Home-based parenting education and support.
- Supportive counseling for children.
- Consultation, advocacy and care management.
- Behavioral consultation and support in childcare, preschool, and Head Start classroom settings.
The Program provides training, consultation, and education to caregivers and providers who support young children and families.
One specific program for young children and their families is the Parent Child Interaction Therapy Program.
Parent Child Interaction Therapy
The Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) program helps parents with children age 1-6 who are experiencing behavioral challenges. PCIT is an evidence-based treatment designed to improve the relationship between a caregiver and their child. Caregivers learn specific skills for relationship enhancement and improving their child’s ability to follow directions and practice those skills in play sessions with their child. During sessions, caregivers receive live coaching by the PCIT therapist. This “real-time” feedback gives caregivers immediate support to build their confidence and effectiveness using the skills with their child to create positive change in the relationship and behavior.
For more information, call 802-488-6000.