Howard Center and CHL to provide suicide prevention resources

Howard Center is partnering with the Center for Health and Learning to provide Vermont businesses and community members with up-to-date information on suicide prevention.

Year after year, Vermont has more suicides than the national average. In response, Howard Center continues to work to reach underserved populations, expand prevention programming and enhance intervention efforts.

Howard Center is also expanding the availability of tools and best practices employed in the response after a suicide death or other tragedy to support healing and recovery.

Known as postvention, these supports are provided by a team of Howard Center staff who are trained and prepared to provide postvention to individuals, families, and in the community.

With funding from the Vermont Community Foundation, Howard Center is partnering with the Center for Health and Learning (CHL) to help local businesses provide their workforces with information designed to introduce prevention and post-vention messaging through employee manuals, orientations, and staff trainings. CHL manages the Vermont Suicide Prevention Center, a public private partnership that works to provide a sustainable approach to suicide prevention in Vermont.

Howard Center is leveraging its close ties with the business community to share these resources and offer technical assistance around their use, distributing information to 150+ businesses throughout Chittenden County this month. The materials are also accessible on Howard Center’s website under the resources tab.

With funding from other philanthropic partners, Howard Center is also planning to hire a Suicide Prevention Coordinator. The new position includes a blend of clinical work, consultation, and training, adds capacity, and will help coordinate with other efforts in the community.

Howard Center is committed to providing suicide prevention programs and reducing the barriers to accessing help and support in crisis for all members in the community. For more information and to access suicide prevention materials, visit