Are you or someone you know struggling with maternal depression or anxiety? Howard Center’s Perinatal Support Services can help. Perinatal is defined as the period between Pregnancy and Postpartum, one year following birth. Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMADS) includes Depression, anxiety, panic attacks, OCD, PTSD, and rarely postpartum psychosis. Please contact our Perinatal Support Services at 802.488.6697. Services offered include:
- assessment
- education
- in-home support
- office-based or telehealth therapy
Postpartum depression and anxiety is #1 complication of pregnancy and childbirth.
- As many as one in seven moms, one in ten dads, and extended family members experience symptoms of depression and anxiety during the postpartum period. (
- 1 in 10 non-birthing caregivers experience depression and anxiety during the postpartum time i.e, fathers, intended parents, birth parents, kin.
- PMAD’s can affect any woman regardless of age, income level, culture, or education.
Symptoms can occur anytime and may include:
Feeling of sadness, difficulty concentrating, mood swings, anger and rage, lack of interest in things you used to enjoy, changes in sleeping and eating habits, panic attacks; anxious, nervous thoughts; excessive worry about your baby, thoughts of harming yourself or your baby, fearing that you cannot take care of your baby, feelings of guilt and inadequacy, difficulty accepting or transitioning to motherhood; irrational thinking, hearing or seeing things that are not there.
Perinatal Support Services, 802.488.6697
There are a number of online resources available to you, please see the links below
Perinatal Support Resources |
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