Legal Compliance

⚖ Links to information, documents, and notices related to Howard Center legal compliance.

Anyone with concerns about the agency’s compliance with any laws or regulations are encouraged to contact the Compliance Officer or call (802) 488-7195.

Howard Center has adopted a policy that prohibits retaliation against any employee, contractor or agent who, in good faith, reports a compliance concern.

Designated Agencies

The Vermont Department of Mental Health has established a system of Designated Agencies (DAs) to facilitate the delivery of its mental health programs across the state. These Designated Agencies, which are private, non-profit entities, are required to adhere to stringent legal and regulatory compliance standards, ensuring that their operations and services meet ethical and professional benchmarks.

Safe Environment Standards

Howard Center’s Safe Environment Standards Howard Center’s Park Street and Transition House programs provide residential placement and treatment services under contract with Vermont’s Department of Children and Families’ Family Services… Read more »

Client Rights

CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION Federal and state laws protect your confidential information. We prioritize respecting confidentiality and will use and disclose your health information for treatment, payment, and healthcare operations, as… Read more »